

September 4 | 1:30 PM CST

How to Talk So Customers Will Listen


How to Talk So
Customers Will Listen

Are you unintentionally confusing your customers?

It doesn’t matter how good your product is – or how pretty the marketing is – if the message isn’t right. 

In this FREE workshop, you’ll learn how to find those words and have dedicated time to craft your message!

September 4 | 1:30PM CST

Are you wasting money on marketing?

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    Invested in a website that's not converting?
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    Getting ghosted by prospects that "need to think about it"?
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    Losing business to competitors?

What if you could spend less on
marketing and sell more?

How to Talk So Customers Will Listen

Here's what you'll get:

Plan Your Year
Buyer Insights

95% of buying decisions come from the unconscious part of our brain. Learn what your customers are paying attention to and how to use that to sell.

Your Message

Have you ever paused before answering “So what do you do?” Do you have one way to explain your business across all of your platforms? You’re about to. 

A Guide

We’ll have time for Q&A so that you’re able to leave with an effective step-by-step plan you can implement now.

Click "REGISTER NOW" to save your seat for September 4 @ 1:30PM!

Your partner in marketing!

I'm Whitney Robinson -

If you’re anything like other business owners I’ve worked with, you’re tired of wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work. You’ve tried everything, but your bottom line just isn’t budging. It’s so aggravating! 


Or maybe you’re new to the business world (welcome!) and while you know you need marketing, your budget is small and you haven’t a clue where to invest those dollars.


“Overwhelmed,” feels like an understatement.


Can I tell you a secret—one that many “experts” would rather you not know? If your potential customers don’t understand what you’re selling, it doesn’t matter how big your marketing budget is or what you spend it on. 


What does matter? How you respond to the question, “What does your company do?” And if your answer confuses or bores people, you’re losing sales.


I created “How to Talk So Your Customers Will Listen” to solve that problem. You’ll learn exactly how to talk about your products or services in a way that captures your customers’ attention and compels them to buy. 


That’s effective marketing, and you deserve it.


What if you could spend less on marketing and sell more?

How to Talk So Customers Will Listen will be the most valuable 60 minutes you've spent on your business this year.

Here's what you'll get:

Plan Your Year
A Framework

Confusing signals are costing you money. In the first 20 minutes, we’ll talk about the messaging framework and how your customers think. 

A Message

Together, we’ll brainstorm your elevator pitch and create a clear message that you can use over and over again in your marketing.

A Guide

We’ll have time for Q&A so that you’re able to leave with an effective step-by-step plan you can implement now

Click "REGISTER NOW" to choose your workshop date!

Space is limited!

Learn how to talk about what you do so customers will actually listen and take action.

How to Talk So
Customers Will Listen

Online Workshop

Most businesses confuse their customers and don’t even realize it! 

Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen to you.